
The City of Sweetwater procures quality goods and services at the best value for the city while striving to provide excellent customer service, efficiency, transparency, equitable treatment, and fair competition. These ends are achieved through open, competitive processes that include: Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Qualifications (RFQ), and Invitation to Bid (ITB), among other purchasing/procurement methods.

For any questions regarding RFP's, RFQ's or ITB's, please send inquiries in writing only to:


Request for Proposals, RFP-2024-01, SWEETWATER NORTH DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – PHASE 2,can be accessed at:



Ph. 2 Finding No Significant Imp EPA Eng&Span5-20-24_240520_121643- Posted on May 20, 2024 (English/Español)

RFP-2024-02 - Notice to the Public of a Selection Committee Meeting

RFQ-2024-02: Website Services 

RFQ-2024-01: Payroll Services

RFP-2023-03: Roadway and Small-Scale Drainage Improvements

RFP-2023-01 Addendum No.3 RFP for Ronselli Park Improvements Synthetic Turf Soccer Field

RFP-2023-01 Addendum No.2 RFP for Ronselli Park Improvements Synthetic Turf Soccer Field

RFP-2023-02 Design Build Interior Build out Building and Zoning/Code Compliance

RFP-2023-01 Addendum No.1 RFP for Sweetwater Ronselli Park Improvements Synthetic Turf Soccer Field

RFP-2023-01 Request for Proposal for Sweetwater Ronselli Park Improvements Synthetic Turf Soccer Field

RFP-2022-01 Addendum No.6 RFP For Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2022-01 Addendum No.5 RFP For Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2022-02 Addendum No.4 RFP For Sweetwater North Drainage Improvement Project-Phase 2

RFP-2022-02 Addendum No.3 RFP For Sweetwater North Drainage Improvement Project-Phase 2

RFP-2022-02 Addendum No.2 RFP For Sweetwater North Drainage Improvement Project-Phase 2

RFP-2022-02 Addendum No.1 RFP For Sweetwater North Drainage Improvement Project- Phase 2

RFP-2022-01 Addendum No.4 RFP For Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2022-01 Addendum No. 3 RFP For Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2022-02 Request for Proposals-Sweetwater North Drainage Improvement Project- Phase 2

RFP-2022-01 Addendum No2 RFP For Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2022-01 Addendum For Disaster Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

RFP-2020-01 RFP Advertisement

ITB 16-03 ArtsCrafts Instructor for Senior Center
ITB 16-04 Wrecker Services
ITB 16-05 Food Catering Services Clarification
ITB 16-05 Senior Center Food Catering
ITB 16-06 Senior Center Cleaning Services
ITB 18-05 Roadway Improvements Repairs for the City of Sweetwater
ITB 18-06 Citywide Sidewalk Repairs Project for the City of Sweetwater
ITB 2018-04 Emergency Cut, Toss, Debris Removal, and Related Services
ITB 2019-01 Wrecker Services Advertisement
RFP 2018-01 Request For Proposal For The Collection Of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Bulk Waste & Related Services
RFP 2019-01 Collection of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Bulk Waste & Related Services
RFQ 2018-01 Professional General Engineering and Architectural Service
Solid Waste Industry-Wide Pre-Bid Conference